Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Back in the Hospital

Hello, Katie Fans!

Katie is back in the hospital this week, as planned.  She will be getting chemo in preparation for her bone marrow transplant later this month.  This particular chemo will be quite unpleasant (even for chemo), because it's geared to completely wipe out her immune system and will have really nasty side effects.  Right now the transplant is scheduled for February 25, but as Marla says, that could change at any given time.

This is a critical time in Katie's treatment.  It will be especially hard on her body and on the spirits of all those involved.  Please pray for Katie and her parents, Brian and Marla, and her siblings Kyle and Claire.  If you find an extra moment in your day, please send a card or letter to let them know you're supporting them.  With the new treatment comes new rules for visiting and isolation, and we need to keep Katie and the McCartys front and center right now.

Thanks to all of you who have purchased items to raise funds for the McCarty family, and to those of you who have donated money, gifts, time, food, and prayers.

If any of you have ideas for additional fundraisers, but you need help getting started, please contact me.  I will help and/or I can get you a list of others to help as well.  The initial shock of the news of Katie's cancer returning might have worn off a little for some folks, but her disease is still just as real and just as costly and just as vile as ever.

The McCarty family will be spread thin in the months to come, but they need to eat.  Let's give them one less thing to worry about by signing up to deliver meals.  Thanks to Michele Butler for setting this up.  If you'd like to help out, here is the info from Michele:

Help is still needed.  I have changed the format, and now we just need people to do a full meal on Mondays and Thursdays.  I've extended the calendar through the end of March.  Please sign up to help - and/or forward this on to others!  Please remember to separate your meals into containers that they can eat, take with them, freeze or whatever they need to do.

Here's the Care Calendar website:

Then you enter the following information:

 CALENDAR ID      :   56925
   SECURITY CODE :   5634

Thank you for being a blessing to the McCarty family.

Now is the time to come together to show our support!

Want to send something to Katie?
Mail it to this address:
Methodist Children's Hospital, Pedi Hem-Onc
Patient ~ Sarah (Katie) McCarty
7700 Floyd Curl Dr
San Antonio, TX 78229
United States
(210) 575-7000